One of the greatest memories of my childhood was learning to ride a bicycle. The biggest challenge was finding a bike to ride.
In those days (the 70s) times were tough. The only bike I owned was a three-wheeler given to me when I was two.
To say I had outgrown that bike at ten-years-of-age, is an understatement. I used it more as a scooter than a bike.
I had two sisters and our neighbours had four girls. Despite the problems and stresses of our lives, our friendship sustained us.
My lovely friend, Debbie, let me ride her bike. I say 'ride' lightly because I was on the ground more than on the bike at first. But, I persevered.
When I finally learnt to balance and felt the wind in my hair, I was in heaven. It felt as if I was gliding through the air. I will never forget that sensation.
It wouldn't have been possible without the generosity of my friend. She let me share her bike and that astounded me. It was such a precious thing.
I'll never forget the friendship I shared with Debbie. She is no longer with us in this world but I think of her constantly.
My first novel 'Heart's Promise' is dedicated to Debbie and her sisters. And I can't thank her enough for letting me feel the wind in my hair.