Saturday, 28 April 2012

Love of Books

My shelf of books! I love them so!
They take me where I want to go.

Adventure, deeds of every age,
Lie captured on the printed page;
Through them I hear the swish of seas,
The wind in lofty mountain trees;
Their magic brings before my gaze
Heroes of stirring, ancient days.
Here in my chair, through day or night,
They lend me wings for daring flight.

I love my shelf of books, they are
Pathways to sun…and moon…and star.

Katherine Edelman


Monday, 23 April 2012

ANZAC DAY 25th April


They shall not grow old as we are left grow old.  Age shall not weary them nor the years condemn.  At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.  Lest we forget.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Wind In My Hair

One of the greatest memories of my childhood was learning to ride a bicycle.  The biggest challenge was finding a bike to ride.

In those days (the 70s) times were tough.  The only bike I owned was a three-wheeler given to me when I was two.

To say I had outgrown that bike at ten-years-of-age, is an understatement.  I used it more as a scooter than a bike.

I had two sisters and our neighbours had four girls.  Despite the problems and stresses of our lives, our friendship sustained us.

My lovely friend, Debbie, let me ride her bike.  I say 'ride' lightly because I was on the ground more than on the bike at first.  But, I persevered.

When I finally learnt to balance and felt the wind in my hair, I was in heaven.  It felt as if I was gliding through the air.  I will never forget that sensation.

It wouldn't have been possible without the generosity of my friend.  She let me share her bike and that astounded me.  It was such a precious thing.

I'll never forget the friendship I shared with Debbie.  She is no longer with us in this world but I think of her constantly.

My first novel 'Heart's Promise' is dedicated to Debbie and her sisters.  And I can't thank her enough for letting me feel the wind in my hair.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Pinterest Addict

     Okay, I have to admit it.  I'm an addict.  I thought there could not possibly be another type of social media out there that I was interested in.  Wrong.  Along came Pinterest!
      There are so many pictures of such amazing things.  People, places, interests!
      I currently have 18 boards and 636 pins.  I just started this thing.  How is that even possible?
      I don't know who pushes these media frenzies, but they are bad.  Very bad.
      I really don't have time for this, but sadly I need a fix every few hours or so.  When I'm informed of activity, I have to check my boards and everyone else's.
      <Sigh>  Have to go.  Must check something...

Friday, 13 April 2012

Success by Ralph Waldo Emerson

To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty,
To find the best in others,
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child,
A garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Before I begin to write a novel, I introduce myself to the characters.  I find pictures of them.  I write down their physical attributes.  I also write down their personalities and their good and bad points. 

I ask myself these questions.  What motivates them?  What are their goals?  What happens when there are obstacles?  What happens when feelings change?

In my novel, ‘Where The Heart Is’ my two main characters are Daniela Sante and Antonio Bartolini.

The story is set in Western Australia in the 1980s.  In the early days, Australia went from a policy of ‘White Australia’ to one of ‘Multiculturalism’.  Prejudice was rife and many suffered the consequences of being ‘different’. 

My character, Daniela (Dani) is Australian-born with Italian parents.  She is an angry young woman who has battled the constraints of her Italian heritage and the prejudice within her community.

Enter, Antonio, who is a newly-arrived Italian migrant, and Dani’s defences immediately rise.  She’s had enough of Italian men and their rules.  

To add conflict, I made Antonio extremely charming and handsome.  Does Dani fight her feelings or does she accept him?

Thankfully, my characters worked it out for themselves.


Thursday, 5 April 2012

Chocolate Bunnies!

Chocolate!  I seem to be surrounded by the stuff.  Chocolate bunnies are breeding in my house.  After I've snacked on one or two...there is another to take their place.  I blame the delivery store.  I didn't order all these bunnies.  No, I really didn't!  I may have ordered another brand but they have been unavailable.  The store thought I wouldn't notice that these bunnies are different.  It's taken me three orders before they finally acknowledged they have no stock of the bunnies I actually ordered.
So, it seems I am stuck with these 'free' bunnies!  Well, not for long...

Sunday, 1 April 2012


Perhaps the hardest thing of all is finding the courage to live how we really want to live.

Society has so many expectations, rules and demands.

In our youth we aim to please.  To create an image of ourselves that won't be held up to criticism.

I have found the greatest freedom in being middle-aged.  I simply don't care any more what others think of what I do, how I act or who I associate with.

Advancing age is quite liberating.  Though I may yearn for the physical attributes I held when I was young, I never want to go back to that insecure, fearful girl I once was.

I think the term 'grey-power' says it all.

Jeanette's 4-stars-plus book montage

An Offer He Can't Refuse
Emily's Affair
Rough Harbor
The Chosen One
Runaway Heart
Bared to You
Melodies of the Heart
Fifty Shades Freed
Fifty Shades Darker
Fifty Shades of Grey
Somewhere in Time
House Guest
A Cop, His Wife and Her Best Friend
Hero Of Her Heart
All In Time
Asking for Andre
Almost a Bride
The Fence My Father Built

Jeanette Hornby's favorite books »

Jeanette's bookshelf: diversity

In Love With Death
3 of 5 stars true
I liked the authors take on the Angel of Death and enjoyed learning about the individual characters. The story was interesting and I liked the way the author simplified the subject matter. With a little more editing and polishing, this ...
tagged: from-dec-2011-to-now and diversity
An Offer He Can't Refuse
4 of 5 stars true
A thoroughly enjoyable tale. I liked the characters and the situation they were in. A good read for romance lovers.
tagged: from-dec-2011-to-now, 4-stars, diversity, and favourites
All In Time
4 of 5 stars true
An interesting and enjoyable story. I would have liked the unique events to unravel slower and continue longer, but overall, the tale was quite engrossing. A good read.
tagged: from-dec-2011-to-now, 4-stars, and diversity
4 of 5 stars true
An intricately woven vampire tale that keeps you wanting more. The historical and scientific content was unique and engrossing. I particularly liked the way the author separated each character's story in the beginning and then tied the...
tagged: diversity, 4-stars, and from-dec-2011-to-now
House Guest
4 of 5 stars true
A short, creepy and enthralling story. The development of the main character and situation was strangely enjoyable. A good read.
tagged: from-dec-2011-to-now, 4-stars, and diversity