Sharing this great poem.What Lies Beneath.
Stop what you’re doing and listen.
Put it down, all of it.
The laundry basket full
of other peoples things.
Their thoughts, and your old stories
Of who you should be
tangled up with mismatched socks
and worn-out layers
Now Shhh, don’t move, don’t talk.
It’s simple, and just about impossible
Be still, silent.
Just listen.
She will creep out from under the pile
if you let her.
She’s been hoping and waiting
for you to notice
She may whimper at first
or bound out boldly
after too many years
being trapped underneath.
is the deep down inside you.
Perhaps the hidden, unknown, forgotten
Your voice,
The one you may have lost
When you became another.
A mother.
She may need to travel or sing
Paint, write or draw.
She could learn to dance, or run.
She could play soccer, and wants to fly
Step aside
and trust
for she knows just what to do.
When all is quiet, listen.
Believe her when she speaks
of what lies beneath the lists and chores
and layers of endless things.
So go on, put it all down, and take her hand
For she wants to show you a secret path,
that leads right back
to you.
Copyright (C) 2010. By Meg Lawton. All Rights Reserved.