Friday, 23 August 2013


I’m often asked what inspires me to write.  I’d have to say anything and everything.  It could be a newspaper article, a photo, an obituary, an overheard conversation, an event, a person.  There is no limit to my imagination.

Sometimes all it takes is a thought, usually on the cusp of sleep.  It seems that when I’m relaxed my mind is most active.  I’ve written many a marvellous scene in my head just before sleep and it is entirely gone by morning.  If I really want to keep it, I get up and write it down, which I’ve done often.  Inspiration can come at the oddest of times.

People, their circumstances, and their reactions to life events help to inspire my writing.  There is no end to the remarkable courage of people in the harshest of times. Nor is there an end to malevolence.  I think these two facets of human nature inspire me the most.

At times, places inspire me.  It could be the history, scenery, splendour, desolation or despair of an area that invokes a tale ready to be told.

On a recent journey I spotted a road sign and thought it would make a great title for a book.  It seemed to have ‘stuck’ and within days another story was writing itself in my head.  Book number six, perhaps?  I won’t reveal the title just yet.  I’m still working on book number five.

I think perhaps there will always be something to inspire my writing and therefore, the stories will continue.


  1. I make sure that I have my notebook close at hand - it's almost welded to me. I've come to regard everything around me as potential fodder for story telling. People look at me a little strangely.

  2. I can relate to that. Everything gets stored way for later use. Even the simplest of things are potential subjects.
    Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!

  4. Great post! It's always interesting to read what inspires an author. Thank you following Mina's Bookshelf :)


Jeanette's 4-stars-plus book montage

An Offer He Can't Refuse
Emily's Affair
Rough Harbor
The Chosen One
Runaway Heart
Bared to You
Melodies of the Heart
Fifty Shades Freed
Fifty Shades Darker
Fifty Shades of Grey
Somewhere in Time
House Guest
A Cop, His Wife and Her Best Friend
Hero Of Her Heart
All In Time
Asking for Andre
Almost a Bride
The Fence My Father Built

Jeanette Hornby's favorite books »

Jeanette's bookshelf: diversity

In Love With Death
3 of 5 stars true
I liked the authors take on the Angel of Death and enjoyed learning about the individual characters. The story was interesting and I liked the way the author simplified the subject matter. With a little more editing and polishing, this ...
tagged: from-dec-2011-to-now and diversity
An Offer He Can't Refuse
4 of 5 stars true
A thoroughly enjoyable tale. I liked the characters and the situation they were in. A good read for romance lovers.
tagged: from-dec-2011-to-now, 4-stars, diversity, and favourites
All In Time
4 of 5 stars true
An interesting and enjoyable story. I would have liked the unique events to unravel slower and continue longer, but overall, the tale was quite engrossing. A good read.
tagged: from-dec-2011-to-now, 4-stars, and diversity
4 of 5 stars true
An intricately woven vampire tale that keeps you wanting more. The historical and scientific content was unique and engrossing. I particularly liked the way the author separated each character's story in the beginning and then tied the...
tagged: diversity, 4-stars, and from-dec-2011-to-now
House Guest
4 of 5 stars true
A short, creepy and enthralling story. The development of the main character and situation was strangely enjoyable. A good read.
tagged: from-dec-2011-to-now, 4-stars, and diversity